What’s it Like in an ASQ Hotel

If you are coming to Thailand, you will have to spend some time in an ASQ, or Approved State Quarantine Hotel. The duration of quarantine is seven days for vaccinated people and ten for others. Booking an ASQ hotel is required before you have permission to travel to Thailand.

Quarantine may seem like an inconvenience or an opportunity, it will be whatever you make it to be. In today’s busy world, two weeks of rest and relaxation are a luxury few can afford. ASQ hotels come in different accommodation levels, so you can choose to spend your quarantine in authentic luxury for a little more money.

  • Preparation: Once you have chosen your hotel and have all the paperwork in order, it is time to pack for your visit. You can choose from many beautiful hotels from the list of approved ASQ hotels in Bangkok. Obviously, you will need to spend a lot of time in the same room, even though there are conveniences available, it is best to bring along some things that you will enjoy. There will be Wi-Fi available, so bring your devices; you might want to take some books along too. And if you are bringing children with you, it will be even more important to be extra prepared. If there are snacks that you crave, you should bring them along.  But remember your hotel will supply some of these things as well. If you have specific needs, you need to find out all the details before you arrive.

  • Arrival: When you arrive at the airport, you will be directed to all the procedures that the Airport Authority of Thailand requires, you will be shown what to do. You will need to have your paperwork available. But mostly you will be waiting for your turn. Once you are processed, you will be directed to the transportation provided by the hotel. They will take you straight to the hotel, and when you arrive, they will confirm your information, and you may at this point, be required to take a test for Covid 19. Then they will take you to your room, where you will find information about that particular hotel’s procedure for ASQ guests.

  • First Week: In the first week at the ASQ you will not be leaving the room, except for cleaning. This is the time to take advantage of the peace and quiet. Your meals will be served on a regular schedule, and you might be allowed a choice of menu, depending on the hotel. At the end of the first week, you will have a test for covid 19.

  • Final Three Days: The rest of your visit will be much like the first, except that you will be allowed an hour a day of exercise in an approved area. You will have to schedule your exercise appointments. At the end of the ten days, if your Covid tests are negative. You will be free to go about Thailand as you please.

These two weeks can be the most peaceful time you have had in years, depending on your personality. Because of Wi-Fi, you will have unlimited access to communication, and you will find the time will pass pleasantly, and you should feel amazing by the time it is over.

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