Everyone will Love Zuru Toys this Summer

*Disclaimer - I received the products in this post from Zuru Toys, in order to facilitate this review.

Are you looking for some great toy options for kids this summer?

When it comes to the end of summer, it gets harder to keep our older two kids occupied and not bored/fighting, because the park program ended August 3 and they think they have nothing to do at that point until school starts. 

That's why we love Zuru Toys and the options that they offer for kids of all ages:

Bunch O Balloons - This is the best option for outside play of course, as they're water balloons and these are an awesome game for kids, because not only are they water balloons but you just have to hook up the hose to the end and they snap off once full, which makes an adult's job much simpler with not having to tie off all those water balloons for kids. 

Our kids love these balloons and we shared these last weekend with a bunch of other kids too, since we took them to our big family reunion. A very fun time was had by ALL! 

X-Shot Fast Fill - This is another fun one that was a huge hit with our sons especially. They love water guns and the bigger the better as far as they are concerned! This one is really cool too, because the back part that is blue pops right open and that's how you fill it with water! 

Our four year old son most definitely approves!

RainBoCorns - This one is for our ten year old daughter and she absolutely loves it. This is one that she's wanted for quite some time now, and was very excited when she saw that I was able to get her one. This is a really neat type of toy as it's one big egg with 10 layers for your child to hatch. It's an ultimate surprise egg, and this is a pretty large egg at that too!

Pets Alive Boppi the Booty Shakin' Llama - This is a silly toy that will be a fun one for kids in a variety of age groups that want to play with a dance/booty shaking llama toy, for fun! This one will be for our 10 year old and 4 year old to share. 

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