Some Information About Being a Mompreneur

*Disclaimer - I am receiving payment for doing this post for Diamond Links.

Are you wondering what is the big thing about Mompreneurs?

When it comes to being a Mompreneur, the reality is: we are moms, but we also own a business of our own, and for me that is my blog. Moms all over the United States have their own businesses, which is great for their families because it means if they work from home, they can spend more time with their kids and not be away as much. 

There are some very successful women who do a very good job at juggling the life at being a mom and having their own business, not just one or the other, and that takes a lot of respect and time to be able to manage. 

I am a mother of four and some days its not the easiest having a blog and family, but you do what you have to do as a Mompreneur to make it work for your family. There have been MANY successful Mompreneurs in the world who have big businesses and have kids at home too, and somehow are able to juggle those day to day tasks, that may seem impossible to some.

I got this information I'm sharing below, from the Chrissy Weems website.
Take Chrissy Weems for instance. For her, she is the co-founder and CEO of Origami Owl, which as you know is a successful jewelry company which is focused on social selling.  The first successful product made by Origami Owl is the Living Locket.

She is a great example of a female CEO that is leading a growing corporation. When it comes to stay at home moms, they are clearly inspired by her dedication to her business and her good works.

As a mom, it's nice to know that it's very possible to start and continue to have a successful business, no matter who you are. If you put your mind to something, see it through. You could end up being a big business owner by the time you're done.

One thing that is great about starting a business is that you can make your own hours to meet your needs, as well as your family's. That is something that is important when you have a family, making time for both business and family, and not choosing one over the other. With businesses like hers, word of mouth is a strong and powerful thing that can really help to encourage more business.

It also helps if you're selling things where you will be making orders to have local parties to help peak interest in your business that you're building for yourself, and telling the potential customers all about the business, how it works, and what you're about. That is one thing that I have experienced with local friends that have their own businesses, is that word of mouth helps, but it really helps to know people who will tell their friends and families as well.

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