Summer break is here and I know for me, our toddlers love to be outdoors and love to be in the water!
Top 5 Summer Outdoor Toy List for Toddlers:
1. Step2 Duck Dive Water Table - Our toddlers absolutely love water tables and this one looks like a lot of fun with rubber ducks to play with that are in it.
2. Step2 Charming Cottage Kids Playhouse - This is a fun playhouse for young kids to enjoy pretending to play house and make food for their siblings or friends in.
3. Step2 Sit and Play Kids Picnic Table With Umbrella - This is a fun picnic table with an umbrella that most young kids under 5 years old would love, to have lunch on or color on paper as well, or Playdoh.

4. Step2 Cascading Cove Sand and Water Table - This one looks really awesome because you can have one child playing on the one side playing in the water portion, and in the sand on the other side in the sand portion.
5. Little Tikes 2-in-1 Snug 'n Secure Swing, Blue - This swing is nice because it can be hung outdoors for fun. For us, we have a nice swingset my husband built for our kids to hang it from for younger two.
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