Parent's Choice Formula at Walmart

Disclosure: Post sponsored by Mirum but all opinions are my own. 

 Are you looking for a good infant formula that will be good for your baby? 

 Your Choice Matters has a custom video for you: 

When you have a newborn, friends and family are quick to offer opinions on feeding methods, sleep schedules, and everything in between. As parents, we all appreciate well-­intentioned advice, but sometimes a new mom simply needs the affirmation that her choice matters. 

Twitter Party Coming Up on December 19 at 1 PM EST !!
I'm hosting a Twitter party with 3 co-hosts, for Parent's Choice where 5 winners will win a $100 Walmart gift card during that hour. To be eligible, you need to RSVP to the party.

To RSVP to the Twitter Party, please COMMENT on this blog post with your Twitter handle!!!

When our older two kids were babies, we used Parent's Choice infant formula several times and it did well for them. The benefits of Parent's Choice baby formula exclusively at Walmart is that your spouse and siblings of baby will be able to help feed baby as they want to and it's a great price at Walmart. I have many friends who also love and use Parent's Choice formula for their babies. 

It will also help with sibling(s) and dad bonding time when they are able to help with feedings. Parent's Choice® baby and toddler products are available exclusively at Walmart

In addition to saving up to $600 a year over alternative formulas, shoppers who choose Parent’s Choice® will discover an infant formula that is: 
- Nutritionally comparable to more expensive national brand infant formulas, including Enfamil®, Similac®, and ︎Gerber®. 
- Compliant with FDA nutritional standards and the recommendations of the AAP – the American Academy of Pediatrics. ︎ 
- Clinically proven to support growth and development. ︎ 
- Easy to digest and has been well tolerated by millions of babies. 
- Clinically proven to be as well tolerated by infants as national brand formulas. ︎ 
- Meets the highest-quality FDA nutritional ︎standards, just like Enfamil, Similac and Gerber. 

As you may know already, exclusive to Walmart since 1998, Parent's Choice Infant Formula has been a leading choice for feeding babies with millions of parents across the United States. 

Here are the Parent's Choice formulas I want to tell you about: 
- Parent’s Choice® Premium Powder Infant Formula Value Size 35oz­ Makes 65, 4 oz. bottles Clinically proven to support growth and development 
- Parent’s Choice® Advantage Tub Powder Stage 2 Formula Value Size 35oz Suitable for babies 6-­12 months 
- Parent’s Choice​®​ Sensitivity Canned Powder Infant Formula - Available in Value Size 33.2oz Makes 59, 4oz bottles. For fussiness & gas 
- Parent’s Choice​®​ Gentle Infant Formula with Iron. Available in Value Size 33.2oz ­ Makes 60, 4 oz. bottles. For fussiness, gas and crying 

Today, Parent's Choice extends beyond infant formula to include: 
- Baby and toddler foods (Yogurt Bites, Cereals, Cereal Bars, Little Puffs, Little Fruits, Little Munchers, and Little Wheels) 
- Toddler Formula for Older Infants 

Be SURE that you enter the sweepstakes, for your chance to win $800 in prizes!! 

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  1. No infants in our house, but this is a great giveaway! Passing it on to some friends who can definitely use it!

  2. Twitter parties are so much fun. I love the chance to win prizes. Great giveaway!

  3. Choosing the right formula seems mundane but I know it's one of the most important decisions a new parent has to make! My niece used to have so many issues when she was a baby and finally they tracked it down to the brand of milk she was drinking.

  4. Haven't had an infant in a long time, but I'll pass this along to my friends with babies because this is a great giveaway!

  5. WE love parents choice products. WE use a lot of them but never tried the formula!

  6. Though both of my children are grown now, I will definitely keep this formula in mind for if/when they have kids. Seems like a healthy and affordable option for the little ones.

    1. Yes, it's great to keep on top of what's on the market now. I'm with you on keeping it in mind!

  7. We don't have infants anymore in the family, but will keep this brand in mind to recommend to my daughters. Always good to know.

  8. My kids are all grown, but we now have 3 babies in the family. Gonna tell my nieces about this. They've been hesitant to try it since they weren't sure if it was as good as the other stuff.

  9. I never had to buy formula but both of my kids liked the Parent's Choice Puffs. I also liked the pullups, they worked great and cost so much less!

  10. We're way past needing formula, but we have a neighbor who is expecting. Sharing with her right now!

  11. What a great givwaway. I need to share this with my friends with babies.

  12. I am a long, long, looong way away from considering having a baby, but I'll have to keep this in mind for the future.

  13. I remember the bottle feeding years. I miss it some days beign able to snuggle while teen son ate. He did well on Parent Choice.

  14. This is such a great giveaway! Good luck to moms with new born babies. I really like Walmart store brands!

  15. What an affordable formula alternative. I had no idea Walmart had this!

  16. Having my hubs be able to give my baby a bottle was priceless! We both breastfed and formula fed and it worked out great for us!

  17. Walmart is a great place to find all the things a mom needs for baby. Thanks for sharing this giveaway!

  18. This sounds like a great formula. Both my two were bottle fed, so I know how important it is to choose the right one for you :)

    Louise x

  19. I used formula to supplement my first baby and this one is Great! @Sarah_pep

  20. It’s been years since my daughter was drinking formula! Glad to hear there is a good, reasonable prices option out there for parents these days

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Used this formula with my granddaughter, excited for party. RSVP @goofytoes

  23. What a great giveaway!!! I love that Parent's Choice is such a great option for babies!

  24. Pencil me in for the twitter party! I certainly could use that Walmart gift card! Who couldn't?!

  25. We never used this formula. I have a friend whose child used this and they loved it.

  26. My kids aren't babies any more, but I have lots of friends with little ones. I can definitely pass this info on.

  27. I have friends with babies - and some with infant grandchildren too. I was not familiar with Parents Choice Formula, and will have to share this with my friends. - Trish

  28. What a great giveaway! Passing it on to some Mom's who might need this!

  29. Looking forward to the party rsvp @sbucknell19

  30. I've heard of this brand. It's great that there are alternative out therefor parents that wish to bottle feed their babies.

  31. RSVP @makeup2meltdown can't wait!

  32. @surabhi0402 look forward to the chat on Twitter.

  33. RSVP @jehousel, looking forward to the party!

  34. RSVP @lorri1956 #ParentsChoice AD

  35. I have 6 grand kids that are almost '6' & under, I have some older also but I luv them all & enjoy all the lil ones crawling around & just learning to talk their all so adorable.

  36. RSVP @eevongelic TWEET YOU THERE!!

  37. Rsvp @mari_zuniga! Can’t wait for the party

  38. RSVP @KittieKad

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!

  39. rsvp @jehousel looking forward to this!

  40. Can't wait for the chat @lorri1956 RSVP

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Rsvp @mrsbzmom, looking forward to chatting with everyone!

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. RSVP - fan_of_fortune
    Awesome party thank you looking forward to it. With a toddler and baby on the way this is the perfect party for this momma!

  45. looking forward to this @go2kauai

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. RSVP @jamiejamiemay
    Excited to join #ParentsChoice party!
    A brand I know, tried and true.
