GGP- Pem­broke Lakes Mall- K is for Kid­ness Pop Up Tour

*Disclaimer - I am receiving compensation being part of Bloggin' Mamas for this post.

Who's a big fan of Sesame Street? I know we are!

I know for myself, I grew up watching plenty of Sesame Street on PBS! I love Sesame Street and knew our kids would too. Our older two I didn't introduce it much to, but our youngest is almost 20 months old and loves it. It's such a great and fun / family friendly show for everyone of all ages to watch.

Do your kids enjoy Sesame Street? Then, check our the K is for Kindness Tour! It could be coming to a city near you!

If you live in Florida, you're in LUCK!! Sesame Street: K is for Kind­ness Tour, a free, mul­ti-city expe­ri­en­tial tour timed to and inspired by the new, 47th sea­son of Sesame Street , the gold stan­dard in children’s tele­vi­sion. 

Cre­at­ed espe­cial­ly for preschool fans and their fam­i­lies, this immer­sive, lim­it­ed-engage­ment tour fea­tures hands-on dig­i­tal learn­ing fun, par­tic­i­pa­tion from local libraries in each com­mu­ni­ty includ­ing bilin­gual Eng­lish / Span­ish books and activ­i­ties, “meet and greets” with the cos­tumed char­ac­ters, a 15-min­ute inter­ac­tive live stage show star­ring walk-around ver­sions of the series’ beloved char­ac­ters Elmo and Abby Cad­ab­by, and oth­er spe­cial sur­pris­es!

The tour will be stop­ping at the Pem­broke Lakes Mall on Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 21st between 11am and 4pm HERE .

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