You maybe asking yourself what type of pain medication do you want, if any during labor.
I know for me, I got an epidural all three times with our kids during labor, but the last time was terrible! I will not allow myself to go through the pain of that again if I can absolutely help it. They let all of them wear off right before delivery anyway, so it's only contractions pain you won't feel once it's in effect after 20 minutes. You'll feel everything else, unless they don't let it wear off for some reason.
After my first and second epidurals in 2007 and 2008, I have basically had back pain ever since. They tend to place the epidural in the same or right at the same place you had a previous one located.
Well, with my third epidural in 2015, it hit a spot and hurt really bad and had a terrible amount of pressure. I also puked a few times after that epidural, while the first and second times, I did not get sick.
I have no clue how it'll be with no epidural, but hey I usually get to 7cm and 8 1/2 cm without getting it, so I think I can get a few more no problem.
What was your experience whether you got an epidural or not?
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Isn't it funny how different people have different experiences with the same medications? I chose not to have an epidural either time so have no experience with it.
ReplyDeleteI don't have kids yet, but you can bet I'll be getting an epidural. I don't have a very high pain tolerance!
ReplyDeleteI had back pain after my first epidural. The second was not too bad but the third did not kick in and 'work' until after the baby was born. For number 4 I had not choice as she came way too fast
ReplyDeleteI did not have an epidural when I had my children. My doctor did not suggest it too. However, my sister did and she said it was not a pleasant experience.
ReplyDeleteI am 62 and when I had my last baby I was 29. I got an epidural with him and it simple beat out all other methods for me. My first child I had gas. not helpful in a comical kind of way! My daughter born next I had a saddle block, not helpful either in any good way. Epidurals weren't brand new then, but I had never had one. It was like riding in a cadillac versis a vw! I loved the fact that I could relax and read while in labor and not scream and writhe in pain for hours upon hours! I don't knock anyone in there choices but you ask my opinion so there it is! thanks
ReplyDeleteI planned to do without both times, but after many hours of intense pain, I gave in both times. The first time, it only worked on one side, and the second time it didn't work at all. And they still charge you an enormous amount of money for it. Plus, it can't be good for you. I say skip it if you can manage.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have one for my daughter and that was THOUGH! With my son I had one but I do feel that I get more back aches since but I don't know if that it linked to it or not.
ReplyDeleteMy epidural was the reason I ended up having a c-section! As soon as they have it to me my daughters heart beat dropped a bit. Crazy how some people are fine with things and others aren't
ReplyDeleteI have had two c-sections so I had spinals done. The first one was horrible. The second one was too bad. I don't know if I would have done an epidural or not.