Ways to Make a Trip Fun for Kids

If you have kids, you know that it can sometimes be a challenge to find an activity or several for kids to do and enjoy to keep them occupied while in the car going for a trip for vacation, or wherever you maybe going.

Last June, we went on vacation about 6 - 7 hours away, and at the time our kids were 6 years old, 7 years old, and 5 weeks old. They slept a lot of the drive, but of course woke up a good bit too. We had to have some things for them to do, so they wouldn't be bored. Something they did enjoy was listening to CDs on the way that were kids songs that they knew and sang along to.

They had portable DVD players on the back of our seats to watch movies on as well as some smaller toys and books that they brought to play with on the ride to where we were going. It's always fun to wonder where we're going and how long it'll be until you get there, so of course it's the same way for kids as well. 

They also had their tablet to play on until it lost its charge, which they were able to play games on that didn't require a Wi-fi connection to play them. They did pretty well on our trip driving wise and we didn't have much issue. We had a great vacation time too, even with an infant!

What's your go to activity to keep kids busy in the car for travel?

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