12 Reasons Having Children Close Together is a Good Idea

Have you ever been THAT person who says to themselves "I'll never have kids close in age" but yet you're the parent that has kids close in age? 

Keep reading this post to see my personal top 12 reasons that having kids close together is a good idea!

First off, let me say that my first two children are a little less than 10 months apart. They're now in kindergarten and first grade, but I know first hand how it is to have kids so close in age and love it.

12 Reasons Having Children Close Together is a Good Idea:
1. They will be best friends after a year or two 
2. It's not as hard to have kids back to back as a lot of people make it out to be
3. The older child will teach the younger child a lot more than you realize
4. I couldn't imagine life any other way. My kids are less than 10 months apart and it's been a big blessing. They do everything together almost and are very close.
5. They can keep each other entertained as they get older and play well together
6. They may have the same friends, since they're close in age
7. They can ride the school bus together and be home at the same time after school
8. It's a big joy to watch them grow up together, instead of years apart in age
9. It's easier to have kids back to back in some ways, because you don't have to worry about potty training one right away while changing diapers with the other 
10. If God wants you to have kids close in age, He will let it happen. For us, it was not planned nor prevented that way
11. With kids so close in age, you learn to multi-task a lot and it makes housework easier
12. Your child is never alone playing! He or she will always have someone to play with / keep company

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